About Us


Daniel C. Oakes High School is an alternative option and school of choice for students to earn their High School Diploma. Our school offers smaller class sizes, personal connection with peers and staff, and we pride ourselves on a sense of community and family.

Students are not assigned to attend our school, rather, they choose to apply and interview, and our Principal offers enrollment to students they feel would find success at Daniel C. Oakes. The school enrolls new students from our applicant pool each quarter (July, October, January, April). 

If you, or your student, has struggled with education in a traditional high school setting, please consider calling the school for more information, or applying online.

Daniel C. Oakes High School 

Principal: Brian Singleton

Dean:  Amanda Schmidt  

Admin. Assistant: Yuki Blanc

Registrar: Miriam Caballero

Counselors: Laura Matyszewski & Lori Peeples

Psychologist: Nicole Amidon

Recent News



Welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed your break. Here’s the schedule for our first day of the quarter on January 6th.

  • Bigs and new students: 7:30 AM - 11:45 AM


  • All returning students: 8:00 AM - 11:45 AM


"Scan the QR code to view our theater department's Instagram page."

Theater Instagram

  • Express Check-In will open  after Monday, July 15. 


Need to order transcripts? Please click HERE to visit Student Data and Information Services, or call 720-433-0095.

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