State Mandated Testing

We encourage all students to take State Mandated Testing seriously. Each underlined item below is a live link to a resource to help you understand requirements.

  1. DCSD Assessment Policy (Board File) - IK State Mandate Assessments
  2. DCSD Assessment Schedule - 2023-2024 District Assessment Dates
  3. State Assessment Excusal Form Directions 
  4. HB 15-1323 -DCOHS HB15-1323  
  5. If you are a parent/guardian requesting a paper version of the assessment-please email by December 1, 2023 : School Assessment Coordinator- [email protected]
  6. Daniel C. Oakes High School Building Oakes testing schedule 23-24 


NEWS: The following resource is available for FREE to all students to help prepare for the SAT (practice questions and assessments, study guides, test-taking tips, etc.):

Khan Academy at